Category: Orange County Accident News

Just a few days have passed since Tesla Motors released an “autopilot” feature for its Model S Sedan, and WIRED reports that the feature has already come close to causing some bad crashes. This is a video of Tesla’s autonomous driving mode steering the car into an oncoming traffic lane. As you can see, only […]

As an experienced Orange County personal injury lawyer, I have settled hundreds of cases, and I will probably be going on my thousandth case very soon. Personal injury cases are second nature to me now. Sometimes, when I am handling a case for my clients, I have to remind myself to explain exactly where we are. […]

Traffic-Related Deaths Have Climbed in Recent Years, Affecting the Safety of the Orange County Community. Between 2010 and 2014, deaths involving bicyclists alone soared by 16%. California won the dubious honor of being the most dangerous state in the nation for cyclists. The trend holds true on a local level in Orange County, with police […]

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