Car Accident Lawyers in Orange County

Personal Injury Settlements and Cases Won in California
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We are Orange County car accident attorneys representing clients across California
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    Our Track Record Of High Settlements Has Changed Lives And Helped Many Clients Move Forward With Financial Peace Of Mind

    Insurance Bad Faith
    Insurance Bad Faith

    Our team beat the $100,000 policy limit and got an extra $5 million for our client because the insurance company didn’t take her demand letter seriously.

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    Rear-ended by a police officer
    Rear-ended by a police officer

    We obtained the 15th highest verdict in California in 2020, 2nd highest in Orange County. Our client was rear-ended by a police officer.

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    Car vs. pedestrian case
    Car vs. pedestrian case

    $1.25 million settlement in a car vs. pedestrian case involving a minor child that resulted in brain injuries.

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    Lamborghini lost control
    Lamborghini lost control

    A Lamborghini traveling over 100 MPH lost control and hit our client resulting in a broken collarbone.

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    RMD Law is dedicated to getting your life back on track.

    We care about your recovery. We stake our reputation on it.

    Aria Miran, esq.

    Nicole Dolle, esq.

    John Rajaee, esq.

    Yen Quach

    Ryan Drakulich, esq.

    Ariana Martin, esq.

    Aria Miran, esq.

     Aria is a member of the prestigious Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum®. He speaks English, Farsi, and Spanish.

    Nicole Dolle, esq.

    Nicole has settled hundreds of personal injuries claims, known for her professional, honest, and caring approach.

    John Rajaee, esq.

    John is a former defense lawyer turned award-winning personal injury lawyer. He speaks English and Farsi.

    Yen Quach

    Associate Attorney Yen Quach started work at RMD Law in 2017 as a paralegal. Injured clients seeking justice from insurance companies can do no better than Yen.


    Ryan Drakulich, esq.

    Ryan is a caring and experienced litigator. He defended scores of depositions and understands what it takes to move a case in Orange County.

    Ariana Martin, esq.

    Ariana Martin is one of RMD Law’s skilled personal injury lawyers. She brings a lot of legal experience to the table, having worked previously in the field of insurance defense.

    Need Legal Assistance?


    What are the steps to take after a car accident?

    It is important to follow very specific safety protocols to ensure the safety of you and your family. RMD Law LLP has provided eight steps to take after a car accident in Orange County:

    STEP 1

    Get to safety as soon as possible

    Do not leave your car until you have pulled over to a safe place.

    STEP 2

    Call the proper authorities

    File a police report if you plan to file an injury claim within two years. Call an ambulance to assist any injuries that have occurred.

    STEP 3

    Be mindful of your words

    Don’t admit to being at fault prematurely for the accident. Don’t admit to being “fine” after a car accident.

    STEP 4

    Document the scene

    Take pictures of the damages as a result of the car accident. Ensure you have a clear record of the day and time.

    STEP 5

    Note important details

    Collect their contact details, insurance information, and notate the license plate number.

    STEP 6

    Gather witnesses

    If there were any witnesses present at the time of your car accident in Orange County, make sure to get their contact information.

    STEP 7

    File a claim with your insurance company

    You have the right to file an injury claim to be paid for your injuries, medical bills, lost income, and more.

    STEP 8

    Contact an Orange County car accident attorney

    Our attorneys can help you receive maximum compensation for your pain and suffering.

    The streets of Orange County, California, have seen a fair share of car accidents. In 2021 alone, the total number of car accidents in Orange County was 11,953, with 67.02% of the victims being drivers and 32.98% passengers and other roadgoers. This shows that such accidents can affect the lives of not just the person behind the wheel but also the passengers and pedestrians.

    These numbers also emphasize the need for road safety in the county. Understanding the car crash situation can help you take the necessary steps, such as what to do after the car accident and how to work with a car accident lawyer. Here’s an overview of Orange County, California, car accidents, and what to do when you’re in one.

    Table of Contents

    Types of Car Accidents in Orange County, California

    We are Orange County personal injury lawyers servicing all of California. Our attorneys regularly handle cases from all over the state.

    1. Rear-End Accidents

    These accidents occur when your vehicle collides with the rear-end of another, often due to tailgating, distracted driving, or sudden stops. In 2021, 33.14% of the total crashes in Orange County were due to rear-end accidents.

    2. Head-On Collision

    About 620 vehicle accidents in Orange County are head-on collisions, making up 5.19% of the total. This type of accident usually happens on narrow roads where the chances of cars crashing into each other head-on are higher.

    3. Rollover Accidents

    A rollover or overturn accident is a crash where your car tips over onto its side or roof due to high speeds, sharp turns, or the vehicle being top-heavy. Data from 2021 shows that overturned vehicles took up 2.15% or 257 counts of the total car crashes in Orange County.

    4. Side-Impact Collision

    One glaring car accident statistic is that side-impact collisions make up 9.96% of car crashes, or 1,190. Also known as a T-bone collision, this accident can happen when your vehicle strikes the side of another, which frequently occurs at intersections.

    5. Off-road Crash

    Off-road crashes happen when your vehicle leaves the roadway and ends up in a non-traffic area. This accident can occur for various reasons, including loss of control and poor road conditions. For instance, heavy rains can impair your vision, causing you to go off-road and hit objects on the sidewalk. Hit-object crashes made up 10.81% of the 2021 total.

    Common Car Accident Injuries in Orange County

    Car accidents can lead to a wide range of injuries with varying degrees of severity. Knowing these common injuries can help prevent them from worsening, and seeking the necessary medical and legal support.

    Broken or Fractured Bones

    The impact from the car accident can lead to broken or fractured bones in the arms, legs, ribs, pelvis, or other parts of the body. These injuries can vary in severity—from hairline fractures to compound fractures.

    Traumatic Brain Injuries

    TBIs can result in mild concussions to severe, life-threatening brain trauma. Even seemingly minor accidents can result in mild TBIs, manifesting as headaches, dizziness, or cognitive issues. More severe TBIs can have lasting effects, such as memory loss, personality changes, and impaired motor skills.


    This neck injury occurs when the head suddenly jerks forward and backward, typically due to the impact of rear-end collisions. Symptoms may not appear immediately after the accident. However, a whiplash can cause neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and even long-term discomfort.

    Aocrtic Dissetion

    This type of injury is a severe and life-threatening condition where the inner layer of the aorta from the heart tears, causing blood to flow between the layers of the aortic wall.

    Scarring and/or Disfigurement

    Severe lacerations or burns sustained during a car accident can result in permanent scarring and disfigurement. These injuries not only have physical effects but also emotional and psychological ones. They can impact your self-esteem and overall well-being.

    Spinal Cord Injury

    Spinal cord injuries can lead to varying degrees of paralysis, ranging from temporary loss of function to permanent disabilities. You may face lifelong challenges in mobility and daily living.


    Some car accidents may have extreme forces that result in severed or injured limbs or extremities and lead to traumatic or surgical amputations.

    Nerve damage

    Nerve damage can result from the strong impact of a car accident or surgical procedures needed to address other injuries. It can lead to chronic pain, loss of sensation, or impaired motor function—all of which may degrade your quality of life.

    Internal Bleeding or Internal Organ Damage

    Car crashes can cause internal injuries that may not be apparent right away. However, internal bleeding or organ damage can be life-threatening, so victims must seek immediate medical attention even though there are no obvious injuries.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder

    Car accidents can put a strain on one’s psyche, resulting in lasting psychological effects such as PTSD. You may experience flashbacks that can make you feel like you’re still in the situation, resulting in anxiety, depression, and emotional distress.

    7 Things You Should Do Following an Auto Accident in California

    Being in a car crash can be overwhelming, but knowing what to do after is crucial for your safety, well-being, and legal protection. Consider the following steps to help you out.

    1. Check for any Injuries

    Immediately after the accident, check yourself and your passengers for injuries. It’s your legal and ethical duty to assist those who are hurt. As stated in the California Vehicle Code Section 20001, you must stop and remain at the scene that resulted in injuries or death.

    2. Get to Safety

    If your vehicle is obstructing traffic, move it to the side of the road. But first, make sure it’s safe to do so. According to the California Vehicle Code Sections 22651 and 22651.05, you must move your vehicle off the street or highway as long as no one is injured or killed. This step helps prevent additional accidents and ensures a smooth flow of traffic.

    3. Call 911

    Call the emergency hotline to report the accident, especially when people are injured. Besides providing immediate medical assistance, emergency responders ensure that law enforcement arrives to document the incident, which can be helpful down the road.

    4. Gather Relevant Information

    Exchange information with other parties involved in the accident. Some of the things you should collect include:

    • Names of those involved
    • Contact information
    • Current residence address
    • Driver’s license numbers
    • Vehicle registration details
    • Insurance information

    According to the California Vehicle Code Section 16025, all drivers involved in the accident must exchange information after a collision unless they cannot do so. Enlisting the help of an auto accident attorney in Orange County lets you accomplish this task easily.

    5. Collect Evidence

    Take photographs of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and visible injuries, if there are any. Documenting can back your statement when dealing with insurance claims or potential legal proceedings. To further strengthen your case, consider talking to any witnesses.

    6. Seek Medical Treatment

    Even if you feel fine immediately after the accident, you should still seek medical attention. Some injuries may not manifest symptoms instantaneously, so it’s best to discover and address them as early as possible. Moreover, prompt medical documentation can be vital for insurance claims and personal injury cases since it’s your duty to prevent injuries from worsening.

    7. Notify your Insurance Provider and Start the Claim Process

    Contact your insurance provider to report the accident as soon as possible. California law states that you must also inform the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) about it within a certain period. However, the statute of limitations for car insurance claims depends on your provider. 

    Remember, California operates under an “at-fault” system for car accidents, which means the negligent driver’s insurance will cover the damages and injuries. If you’re unsure what to do, reach out to an auto accident lawyer in Orange County.

    5 Types of Car Accident Compensation in California

    If you’re the non-liable party in a car accident, you may be entitled to various types of compensation to help you recover from its physical, emotional, and financial impact.

    1. Medical Expenses

    This type covers the associated costs of your injuries, such as hospital bills, doctor’s fees, medications, surgeries, rehabilitation, and any necessary medical devices.

    2. Lost Wages and Loss of Future Wages

    Injuries that result from car accidents may prevent you from working. In this case, you can claim compensation for the income you couldn’t earn during your recovery period. If you sustain severe or permanent disability, you may also be eligible for compensation for the loss of future wages. These damages ensure you don’t suffer financially due to your inability to work.

    3. Property Damage

    Property damage compensation covers repairing or replacing your vehicle and other affected personal property. The responsible party generally covers these costs in an at-fault state like California.

    4. Pain and Suffering

    This compensation addresses the physical and emotional distress the accident has caused, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and other non-economic damages.

    5. Punitive Damages

    Though less common, punitive damages may be awarded if the at-fault driver’s behavior is particularly reckless or malicious. They are meant to punish the wrongdoer and deter others from committing similar actions.

    5 Ways to Prove Negligence in an Auto Accident Claim in California

    Proving negligence is crucial in California to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Here are some ways to establish liability and demonstrate the at-fault party’s negligence.

    1. Duty of Care

    First, establish that the at-fault party owed you a duty of care. All drivers must safely operate their vehicles and follow traffic laws. They must drive at reasonable speeds, obey all traffic signals, and take the necessary precautions to prevent accidents.

    2. Breach of Duty

    After establishing the duty of care, you must then show that the at-fault party breached that and failed to act with reasonable care. This can involve actions like speeding, running red lights, or driving recklessly, which can all constitute a breach of duty.

    3. Causation

    When proving negligence, you must also prove that the at-fault party’s break of duty directly led to the accident and injuries. You must show that their actions were the cause-in-fact of the accident.

    4. Proximate Cause

    Aside from causation, you must prove proximate cause—or the legal concept that the at-fault party’s breach of duty was the foreseeable cause of the accident. In other words, their actions should have been expected to result in the accident. Proving a proximate cause is vital in building a solid negligence case.

    5. Injuries Suffered and Damages

    To recover compensation, you must establish that you sustained actual injuries from the accident, leading to damages. Damages may include:

    • Medical bills
    • Lost wages
    • Property damage
    • Pain and suffering

    How to Deal with Insurance After an Auto Accident in Orange County, California

    Dealing with insurance companies is a multifaceted process that requires a well-structured approach. First and foremost, you must swiftly report the accident to your insurance company. Then, gather the necessary information and evidence, like the other driver’s insurance details and eyewitness accounts, to establish liability and quantify damages.

    Documenting the accident scene, vehicle damage, and injuries is equally significant because visual evidence can strengthen your claim. Seek immediate medical care, even if you feel fine initially, to document the link between the accident and potential injuries. An official police report can also provide further support, reinforcing your case.

    Remember to avoid admissions of fault when communicating with your insurance company since it can negatively impact your claim. Familiarize yourself with your insurance policy to make well-informed decisions during the claims process. If it becomes too complex or adversarial, consult a car accident attorney in Orange County to protect your rights and secure fair compensation.

    How Accident Documentation Can Help Your Case

    Documenting your accident can help build a strong case after an auto accident—here’s how.

    1. Seeking Medical Attention

    When you receive medical attention, make sure to get detailed medical records. These documents will provide a clear link between the accident and your injuries, offering concrete evidence of the injuries you’ve suffered.

    2. Taking Photos and Videos

    Visual evidence can illustrate the severity of the accident and its impact. It provides clarity and supports your claim, helping insurance adjusters (and potentially, the court) understand the circumstances better.

    3. Collecting Witness Statements

    Eyewitness accounts provide an unbiased perspective on the accident. Their testimony can help corroborate your version of events and establish liability on the at-fault driver’s part, carrying significant weight in negotiations and court proceedings.

    4. Requesting a Copy of the Police Report

    An official police report includes crucial details such as involved parties, their statements, and any citations issued. It offers an authoritative account of the accident and becomes a factual basis for your case.

    5. Being Cautious with Social Media

    Sharing too much information online can hurt your case. As such, Irvine car accident lawyers advise not to post anything on social media during the claims process. Avoid discussing the accident, your injuries, or any related details online. Doing so prevents insurance companies and opposing parties from gaining materials to discredit or undermine your case.

    How to Use Witness Statements to Build a Strong Personal Injury Case

    Witness accounts can corroborate your statement about the auto accident. Maximize their impact by obtaining detailed statements that describe the accident’s sequence, the witness’s perspective, and any overheard conversation. 

    Gather as many witness statements as possible. Multiple witness statements providing consistent narratives that align with your description can enhance your case’s credibility. Moreover, they can attest to who was at fault and the actions that led to the car crash. Aside from a consistent narrative, the impartiality of independent witnesses can add credibility to your case.

    Why Do I Need an Attorney After a Car Accident in California?

    Hiring an Irvine car accident attorney is a wise choice when dealing with the aftermath of a vehicle crash in California. Firstly, these attorneys possess the legal expertise to navigate the complexities of car accident cases. They ensure you follow correct legal procedures and understand your rights.

    Second, they can help you secure the compensation you deserve to cover medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and other intangible costs. Attorneys can represent you in insurance negotiations so you won’t get a lower-than-deserved remuneration. They also have the resources to investigate and gather evidence, helping establish fault in the accident and strengthen your case.

    But more importantly, consulting an attorney reduces the stress and burden of post-accident proceedings significantly, letting you focus on your recovery while they uphold your rights.

    Other Practice Area

    We are Orange County personal injury lawyers servicing all of California. Our attorneys regularly handle cases from all over the state.

    Motorcycle Accidents

    Get the recovery you are entitled to regardless of what the police report may say.
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    Pedestrian Accidents

    No matter the complications in your case, we know how to get results.
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    Bicycle Accidents

    Equipped to fully investigate your accident and determine the liable party.
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    Spinal Cord and Brain Injuries

    Life-changing injuries need experts in their corner.
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    Learn your next steps here and get the maximum compensation with our step-by-step walkthrough

    Have you been injured and need legal assistance? Call us today to feel as cared for and supported as our clients!


    5-star Reviews

    Nas M.
    Nas M.
    San Jose, CA
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    The lawyers at RMD are everything you could want. They are experts in their field, and extremely efficient, thorough and caring. They called me back immediately and spent a substantial amount of time explaining the process to me and quite honestly calming me down. I never felt pressured or felt a salesman vibe. I did get the sense that I was in good hands. They handled everything with minimal stress for me, which was key. Thanks for everything.
    Don B.
    Don B.
    Dana Point, CA
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    I have worked with John, a managing partner, and have been very happy with his casual every-man approach to some rather complex issues. He put things in plain, easy to digest language and made me feel comfortable with the process and his handle on the situation. Would definitely recommend.
    Clarissa S.
    Clarissa S.
    San Diego, CA
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    John went above and beyond to assist me with my personal injury case after I was involved in a car accident. I spoke to several attorneys regarding my case and although I decided against hiring one due to the minor damages on my car, John was the only attorney I felt like I could trust. I was truly blown away by his kindness, honesty, and willingness to answer all of my questions and go over different options with me. He truly went above and beyond and showed a great amount of compassion and integrity. If I'm ever involved in an accident again, I will not hesitate to call John at RMD Law.
    Nicole H.
    Nicole H.
    Orange, CA
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    Through out the entire process, RMD law was super informative and constantly updated me as often as they could! Chelsie and Aria were who I spoke with the most, and they worked around my schedule to ensure I could get the best service possible. I am so grateful for how easy they made this process after my car accident. Thank you team for everything!
    Tourie B.
    Tourie B.
    San Leandro, CA
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    Finding and deciding to choose RMD Law was the best decision we could have made. The staff was incredibly nice, supportive, and a pleasure to work with. A big thank you to Kathia for being in constant communication, and getting us the treatment we needed. The process was incredibly easy because of your guidance.
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, in California, the statute of limitations for car accidents is usually two years. However, this time limit might be much shorter depending on the facts of your case. For example, in a claim against the government, the statute of limitations is just six months. Because every case is different, you should contact our lawyers right away to preserve your rights.

    Distracted drivers: Drivers that are texting, eating, applying makeup, and reading are common causes of accidents.

    Drinking while driving: Even though there are strict laws that try to prohibit drunk driving, many drivers still get behind the wheel after a few drinks which delay their reaction times and ability to think clearly.

    Speeding: Many accidents are caused by unsafe drivers who are going over the legal speed limit.

    Bad road conditions: Whether it’s roads that are not maintained or the weather, the roads can be affected by bad road conditions.

    California is an “at-fault” state. This means that any party involved in a car accident is required to file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. Whoever is considered at-fault in an accident will be responsible for paying damages to anyone involved.

    No-Fault States: California is not a no-fault state. In no-fault states, anyone involved in an accident seeks recovery from their own individual insurance companies, no matter who is at-fault for the car accident. The only exception in this rule is when a driver files a claim after being involved in an accident resulting in severe, permanent or fatal accidents.

    Why Work with RMD Law

    Car crashes can be overwhelming, and the proceeding events can get chaotic. Seeking legal counsel can help ensure your rights amidst the hectic procedure of securing fair compensation. Remember, choosing the right legal partner can make all the difference in your path to recovery and justice. 

    If you’re looking for a car accident lawyer in Orange County to help you with your claims and personal injury cases, contact us at RMD Law. Our team of experienced lawyers is ready for the tireless representation you deserve.

    Here to Read?

    Learn more about personal injuries here.

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